Thursday, March 4, 2010

And the truth shall set you free...

Last Saturday I re enrolled in weight watchers. I had already vowed to get in shape this year by whatever means necessary and since I think WW is the best plan out there, WW it was. The week started off great, although I will admit that I didn't count at all Sat & Sunday. We went grocery shopping on Sunday afternoon and Sunday night I had Al grill up everything I needed for the week. It started off with a bang.. Then today happened.. It started off a normal day, I ate a great breakfast and an even greater lunch. I had a healthy snack and then I got the phone call. You know the one where my husband calls and says he will be working late. I just can't cook tonight was my first thought. I decided to run up the street to Bill Miller's(Famous for BBQ and chicken on a bone as Espen would call it) and get the kids chicken and I would eat the left over chicken chili I made yesterday(Super healthy & Delish). I will share the recipe in a bit.

When I got into the drive thru, I could smell the fresh chicken strips and taste the sweet tea. I just had to.. Now mind you, I had 19 points left for the day and I might have gone over a little with my points. But it couldn't be that bad, right? I didn't bother looking up the point values for the chicken strips, or the fries, or the ketchup and I certainly didn't want to know what those two super cold glasses of sweet tea cost me. I cheated, even if I know I only cheated myself, it doesn't change the disappointed feeling I feel. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day and a chance to make better choices. After all, someone once said "You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there."

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